Biomerieux Bact-alert 3d User Manual
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The BACT/ALERT VIRTUO is the next generation automated culture system that utilizes the same colorimetric technology but incorporates new instrument hardware with improved temperature stability, user interface, and workflow via automated processes that are currently performed manually. It also utilizes an enhanced algorithm that has been shown to reduce the time to detection by an average of 3 hours compared to the BACT/ALERT 3D instrument.
CAUTION: (INDUSTRY Use) The BacT/ALERT system is marketed foruse in the detection of microorganisms in blood and other normallysterile body fluids, and in the detection of microorganisms inother sample matrices and for additional specific indications foruse, as specified in the package inserts, user manuals, andlabeling of the specific components of the BacT/ALERT system.Customers who use the BacT/ALERT system in testing of sample typesor for indications other than those described in the applicablepackage inserts and user manuals do so at their own risk.Performance characteristics for the BacT/ALERT system for any useoutside the labeling, package insert, or user manual have not beenestablished.
The BTA VIRTUO Microbial Detection System is the next generation of BTA instrumentation (Figure 1B). As with previous generations of BACT/ALERT, the BTA VIRTUO has the capability to incubate, agitate, and continuously read BTA culture bottles. The underlying colorimetric technology used in previous generations of BTA is also used in the BTA VIRTUO. Enhancements of BTA VIRTUO (over previous BTA generations) incorporate new instrument architecture to improve temperature stability (minimizes occurrence of false-positives), workflow improvement via automation of processes that are currently performed manually, an improved user interface and an enhanced detection algorithm to shorten times to detection (TTD) of positive cultures. The enhanced algorithm uses multiple mathematical techniques to interpret changes in CO2. The mathematical methods used are able to rapidly and accurately detect a change in the shape of the curve that corresponds to the transition from the lag phase to log phase of microbial growth. 2b1af7f3a8