BitDefender Internet Security 2018 V22 Free NEW! Download
I uninstalled every way imaginable and I have only had BD running as my security suite for the last 4 years so it is not new to the system. I tried installing, uninstalling and re-installing, let BD TS 2018 remove TS 2017 still does not work, removed all the updates still no work, ran sp2 again to make sure all was good still doesn't work, ran sfc /scannow still does not work.
Sorry can't say we didn't give it a shot, My personal resolution as BD seems to busy to actually give us any resolution since mid July so I have moved on to Kaspersky. Shame to as I had been using BD TS many years and boy did they drop the ball on the release of TS 2018. IMO what they should do is just bring back TS 2017 and give us a year free to keep us as customers and that would give them time to rewrite the code for TS 2018.
OK, had to uninstall 2018 and laptop fully booted. Now I got a free upgrade to 2018 and fell into trouble. Anyway I can remain with 17 and NOT upgrade to 18 automatically? More than likely will go right back to my troubles if that happens.
Regrettably, I cannot install BIS 2017 as it downloads files and installs the 2018 version and I go right back to my black screen and cursor. There goes my remaining days for this wonderful product!!!!!!! (more than 200). It seems that I now have to use another antivirus. (woe is me)
I managed to get it to work before update. I downloaded the Bitdefender removal tool and made sure there was no Bitdefender files what so ever on my c drive so that I was installing 2018 from scratch not 2018 upgrade from 2017 I had.
Steve, did a full integrity check also ran Tweaking windows to verify integrity and correct any discrepancies...BTS2018 still does not work. Generated file using support tool as suggested (was 30MB) and sent to [email protected] Waiting patiently.....thanks. In the interim will resort to the free version till this is resolved.
have same says that you're at risk and when i check it... it says.advanced thread control is off.... and i when press fix.... it loading and nothing happens... i uninstalled with uninstall tool then reinstalled 4 times and still no past i had BT 2015 totalsecurity and i uninstalled it and installed 2018.. Admins... any fix?? windows 7 x64
I doubt 2016 would work, as 2017 didn't work for me until we updated to 2018. You must run bitdefender's uninstall program first, not from Programs and Features. Not all techs are the same. Suggest getting back to them and have them look at my case # 2017072703520001 by Georgiana CIURESCU, Senior Technical Support Engineer.
Having the same issue as well and tech told me there is not going back, Bitdefender 2017 was working fine and decided to update to 2018 and what a mistake as I have uninstalled & re-installed 5 times now and same issue as the slider for ATD just keeps sliding back to off automatically the minute I click it to on. How can the supposed elite security software have this issue? Does BD not test this stuff?
There are many antiviruses available over the internet and some are free but I prefer quick heal antivirus because I am using it from last 5 years and I had never face any problem or I can say big problem. Try it. 2b1af7f3a8