Black Clover
This all changes during the ceremony in which everybody receives their own grimoire, which are used to focus and enhance the user's magic. While Asta receives nothing, Yuno receives a super-rare four-leaf clover grimoire, the same type used by the first Wizard King (most people receive three-leaf grimoires). Later, Yuno's attacked by a thief who's hoping to steal his grimoire, but Asta, in the process of protecting Yuno, receives a five-leaf, black clover grimoire that contains an Anti-Magic sword inside. After defeating the thief, Asta continues his promise with Yuno of not stopping until one of them is the Wizard King.
Tropes O to R Odd Name Out: \"Yami Sukehiro\" is the only Japanese name introduced before the final arc. He's noted to not be a native: a castaway from his homeland, The Land of the Sun. The Golden Dawn is the only squad that isn't named after a living thing. The Blue Rose Knights, notably the squad that favors women, are the only squad named for a plant. Oh, Crap!: Revchi's utterly terrified when Asta quickly bests him in battle. During his team's fight against Finral's in the tournament, Finral teleports him to the Black Bulls headquarters' bathroom, where Yami is taking a dump. Sekke realizes how screwed he is in no time. Once Asta becomes possessed by anti-magic, Ladros, once having gloated about his new powers that he had absorbed from Salamander, becomes scared and tries to flee. Vanessa understandably panics the moment the Witch Queen uses Asta to try and kill everyone. When the corrupted Asta swings his sword down on her, Noelle can only watch in shock before dying. The Witch Queen is initially confused the second time Asta tries to kill Noelle and then gets visibly distressed as Rouge stops Asta from killing Finral and releases the former from her control. And when the Queen attempts to off Vanessa, she's utterly shocked when Rouge touches her forehead and completely foils her plans. Yami has one when he spends the entirety of a chapter laughing about how hilarious and awesome the Black Bulls are only to have his jaw hit the floor at the very end when he realizes Dorothy is possessed by an elf. Solid panics when Noelle easily overpowers his attack during their duel. Nozel has a moment of slack-jawed horror when the Black Bulls beat his team. Old Magic: The Heart Kingdom, being a country rich in nature, uses magic attributes found in nature (water, lightning, plant, etc.) and natural mana as runes to empower their spells. The Clover Kingdom abandoned the protection of natural mana long ago as the country became more technologically advanced. The country lost the techniques of natural mana rune arrays and, in turn, developed more eccentric magic attributes like chain, spatial, and steel that their Old Magic counterparts did not have. Once More, with Clarity!: When Zora is introduced, he is seemingly attacking the Vice Captain of the Purple Orcas for no apparent reason and seems to have an unexplained hate for Magic Knights in general. When his backstory as a vigilante mage is revealed, the scene is shown again from a few minutes prior, where the Vice Captain was just about to attack an old lady who begged him for help to find her granddaughter because he considered her a bother and Zora defended her from his attack. Seeing Gauche get stabbed by Dante has Asta seemingly remember a memory of his mother before going berserk. Although she is Asta's mother Richita, who abandoned him due to her body stealing magic and life from whatever is near her, it's a memory of the devil in his grimoire Liebe, who was adopted by Richita and killed by Lucifero, who tried to take over Liebe's body. One Person, One Power: Ultimate Magic, the elves' esoteric art, is this, being the essence of one's magic. It embodies all the magic of its caster, making it a unique, unrivaled spell for each individual who can cast it. One-Winged Angel: Both Asta and Yuno get access to new forms during the Forest of Witches Arc for Asta and the Royal Knights Arc for Yuno. Funnily enough, they both literally have one wing in these forms. Asta gets the Black Asta form, where he pulls anti-magic from his swords into his body giving him the ability to fly as well as severely increased speed and power. It also gives him a devil wing and a horn. Yuno fuses with Sylph and gains a similar power boost, along with a mana wing, mana crown, and mana sword. Both are appropriately badass. Only the Chosen May Wield: Four-Leaf Grimoires, which are said to bestow good luck, only choose mages with exceptional potential, with Yuno being blessed with one. Opening Narration: The opening prologue describes how the Wizard King saved humanity from a demon attack:\"Humanity came close to being decimated by the demons. But just one mage saved humankind. He was known thereafter as the Wizard King and became a legend.\" Our Demons Are Different: Devils are vaguely similar to most traditional depictions of demons, being evil humanoids from the underworld with bat-like wings, horns, and tails. They require a very specific type of grimoire in order to manifest their true forms and powers. Our Dwarves Are All the Same: Dwarves are a race from long ago that had special powers like elves, and were short miners who wielded axes. Charmy is revealed to be half-dwarf and why she has two appearances and dual magic affinity. Our Elves Are Different: The elf tribe look like humans with pointy ears. They had immense magic power greater than most humans, able to use magic stones and forbidden magics, and were worshiped as gods. As a result, humans began to fear and desire their power, slaughtering them and stealing their magic power centuries before the story. Their leader Licht supposedly suspended their souls to eventually reincarnate them in human bodies, but that's just what Patry thought he saw before his death. What he did was to transform himself into the demon seen in Chapter 1, and Zagred, the Word Devil, was the one who both slaughtered the elves and recinarnated them into human bodies in order to grant himself a body to wreck mass havoc. Our Mages Are Different: It is a mix of multiple version of mages. Mages are like scholars: Some people like Yuno can take time to study and improve their magical abilities and have magic that is not physically based. Mages are like a race: As almost everyone in the series has the ability to use magic. Mages are like gadget users: Even though the people can use magic on their own, their true power comes from the use of grimoires. Mages are like athletes: some mages can increase their magical strength through training. Asta is unique in that he is not a mage. The way others react to finding out he has no magical power at all, it's implied that this is very unusual. Outside-Context Problem: Asta is a problem that came completely out of the left field to basically all mages. He has no magic, so people can't sense him, nor can they use any mana-manipulation related power on him. He has an Anti-Magic weapon, which were never even seen before and can deflect and cut through magic. Last but not least, mages rarely, if ever, focus on their actual physical aptitude, since they can fight long/medium-range in most cases and all their opponents will be mages anyway, Asta has a lot of actual physical strength, making him a warrior where there are only mages, making their defenses against magic useless against him and their lack of physical defense becomes a huge problem. Arcane Stages as a whole are this to the Spade Kingdom. Due to their powers being too unconventional to be classified within the power scale of Magic Stages, they, theoretically, could defeat devil users. As a result, one of the Spade Kingdom's missions is forcibly recruiting Arcane Stages, and Dante is pleased to find out that Vanessa and Grey are ones when he attacks the Black Bulls. People of Hair Color: The members of the House of Vermillion all have red hair, with the family members in the Crimson Lion Kings having a darker red, and members of the House of Silva have silver hair. Noelle's hair color helps identify her as a Silva at the Star Festival. Personality Powers: Characters usually have personalities that perfectly fit their magics. For instance, Noelle is usually calm but can be temperamental like water, Grey is extremely shy about her true appearance and can transform into others, Gauche is self-centered and uses Mirror Magic that can duplicate himself, and the Crimson Lion Kings' Vermillion siblings are all hot-blooded and have Flame Magic. It's also weaponized. Mages can gain new spells that fit with their important personality developments, sometimes in the heat of the moment. Gauche gains a spell that duplicates others when he resolves to become more selfless and cooperate with Asta. Noelle learns to cast Sea Dragon's Roar after overcoming her subconscious desire to not harm others when her friends are threatened by Vetto. Vanessa manifests the Red Thread of Fate, which only affects those she cares for, when she shuns the Witch Queen and acknowledges the Black Bulls as her true family. Pet the Dog: Klaus shows that he's not entirely a jerkass inside the dungeon that appeared on the border with the Diamond Kingdom. When Mimosa is sneak attacked by Mars, he doesn't blame her for it and instead tells her to focus on healing herself, then defends her from a second attack. By the time of Chapter 101, the Witch Queen willingly allows Vanessa to do as she pleases after the latter easily bests her in battle. In Chapter 190, Solid proves that he deeply loves Noelle by telling her that as her older brother, he will become stronger than her, and acknowledges her as a member of the Silva family. Place of Power: Strong Magic Regions are special areas with strong mana force fields, causing many different magical phenomena to occur there. Playing Card Motifs: Each of the four kingdoms are named after the suits of playing cards, with the Clover Kingdom using an alternative name of the clubs suit. Politically Incorrect Hero: Several of the magic knights are from noble families. They are on the good side, but they are classist, elitist, and racist. Power Copying: Subverted with Rhya attempts to copy the Anti-Magic properties of Asta's sword by touching his grimoire, but he only succeeds in copying just the sword. After all, anti-magic does just that - it nullifies magic, and therefore cannot be copied by it. Power Levels: The Heart Kingdom and Spade Kingdom use a scale for magical power and skill known as Magic Stages, with Stage Zero the strongest and Stage Nine the weakest. Then there's Arcane Stages, whose powers are unconventional enough to not fit into the scaling. After the six-month timeskip the Clover Kingdom uses it as well. Power Gives You Wings: Asta's Black Asta form comes with vastly increased speed, power, and control of the anti-magic in his blades. It also gives him a devil wing on his right side, a horn, turns the right side of his hair black, and a red devil eye. When Yuno combines with Sylph, he gets a massive power boost to his Wind Magic, complete with a crown, a crown like bracelet made of mana around his left hand, and eventually a sword made of pure mana. He also gains a fairy like wing on his back. Noelle's Valkyrie Armor form has her gain a boost to her magical power and speed, with wing-like ornaments that jut out from her lower back and help her to fly through the air. The Power of Friendship: Not only is friendship the catalyst for Noelle's character development, but her friendship with one of the mages from the Underwater Temple moves her to finally become an attack mage, capable of the devastating spell Sea Dragon's Roar, that is capable of rivaling the Fire Spirit Salamander. Asta always believes in his friends and when they are in danger, nothing will stop him. Weaponized by Vanessa with her Red Thread of Fate spell. It allows her to change the fate of herself and anybody she has a close personal connection with (i.e. the Black Bulls). This basically means that as long as the spell is active, she and the rest of her squadmates are immune to dying, as she can just change their fate so they survive. Though as the Witch Queen discovers, much to her dismay, it only works on those Vanessa truly considers family, regardless of any blood connection. The Power of Hate: Rades's hatred and rage over Patry using him as a Human Sacrifice causes his Wraith Magic to become True Wraith Magic. This more powerful magic allows Rades to bring himself, Valtos, and Sally back from the dead. The Power of Love: Vanessa's actions towards the younger members of the Black Bulls are driven out of the intense love she has for her friends. Her love for the Black Bulls as her true family and desire to save them unlocks her Red Thread of Fate spell, which only protects those dear to her. Properly Paranoid: Dominante and the other Witches in the forest know damn well that if you return to the forest after you ran away, you are bound to be beaten by the Witch Queen. They turn out to be right when the Queen beats the crap out of Vanessa after the latter returns. Race Against the Clock: The Magic Knights have three days to build an elite force around Asta and assault the Spade Kingdom to retake Yami and Vangeance and destroy the Tree of Qliphoth before the gate to the underworld opens. Over seven days, the seven gates to the underworld will gradually open and if the final devil Lucifer emerges the world is finished. Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: As the story develops, the Black Bulls present this: looking almost comical at first but eventually becoming not just be very effective, but also a closely-knit fraternity united by the very fact they're misfits (see Black Sheep above). Really Royalty Reveal: In Chapter 233, Yuno is revealed to be the lost crown prince of the Spade Kingdom, explaining his incredible magical ability. Yuno himself is shocked by the reveal and doesn't want to accept it, declaring himself Yuno of the Clover Kingdom. \"The Reason You Suck\" Speech: During Asta's battle with Vetto in the Underwater Temple Arc, Vetto curb-stomps Asta whilst listing the logical reasons why Asta hasn't a hope in the world of defeating him, those reasons being his poor attack range, general disadvantage against those who can magically enhance their physical ability, and his refusal to concede even when completely outmatched. This is intentional, as he is intending to use it also as a Breaking Speech to instill despair. Then it gets gloriously defied when Asta gets assistance from the rest of the squad, and they pull together to actually fight off Vetto long enough for Yami to break free and join in to finish the job. Red/Green Contrast: In the anime, Yuno's four-leaf clover grimoire glows bright green when in use, while Asta's black/five-leaf clover grimoire glows an ominous red. Relative Button: The Witch Queen tricking Asta into killing his friends is what finally causes Vanessa to unlock her Red Thread of Fate magic and break her control. Remember the New Guy: Asta and Noelle meet up with a group of three mages, Fanzell, Dominante, and Mariella. Though they have never appeared in the manga before, Asta and Noelle are not only familiar with them, but have apparently already helped them escape from the Diamond Kingdom, and even received trained with them. The characters were originally introduced in Black Clover: The Book of the Black Bulls, which serves as a side story to the manga. Rescue Arc: The Spade Kingdom Raid Arc is this. Previously, the Dark Triad set out to invade the Heart Kingdom and kidnap Yami and Vangeance. They are successful in all of their goals even after the leader, Dante, was defeated by Asta and Yami leading to the Clover Kingdom assembling a raid team to invade the Spade Kingdom castle and stop their plan by rescuing Yami and Vangeance. During the raid, Morris uses knowledge taken from Loropechika in order to accelerate the growth of the Tree of Qliphoth but is stopped by the Black Bulls after the Dark Triad are defeated. Resignations Not Accepted: When Vanessa returns to the Forest of Witches after many years, the Witch Queen wastes no time beating the crap out of her. The Queen notes that Vanessa leaving the forest was ultimately pointless. The Reveal: The captain of the Golden Dawn, William Vangeance, takes off his mask in a private talk with Julius Novachrono before his face morphs to that of Patry's, the leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun. The devil Zagred was the one who caused the elf genocide, convinced the humans to steal the elve's magic using Lumeiere's Magic Siphon, killed all the elves by copying Lumiere's magic, and cast the reincarnation spell, with Patry as his unknowing pawn the entire time. Nero was originally a human called Secre Swallowtail who was the servant of the first Wizard King, who had been sealed as the statue near Hage all this time. The demon that attacked the Clover Kingdom and was defeated by the first Wizard King was the real Licht, who turned himself into a demon to prevent Zagred from taking over his body and asked his friend Lumiere to kill him. The Wizard King's statue on the top of the slain demon in Hage is the Wizard King himself, being turned into stone to protect him from the after-effects of the above-mentioned fight. Noelle's mother Acier Silva didn't die from childbirth, but instead a curse by the devil Megicula. The Dark Triad's plan is to form the Tree of Qliphoth, letting devils come to the living world and killing over 90% of the population. The Advent of the Qliphoth requires Yami's Dark Magic and Vangeance's World Tree Magic. Furthermore, the original goal as outlined by the eldest Zogratis sibling was to recreate everyone killed by the devils as immortals. Liebe, the devil in Asta's grimoire, was adopted by Asta's biological mother Richita, who was killed by Lucifero when he tried to take over Liebe's body. She sealed him inside the grimoire to protect him, with his goal to kill every devil in revenge for her death. Speaking of Licita, she's the reason Asta has no mana and was left at the church after he was born. She unconsciously absorbed mana and life force, to the point she had to live a reclusive life to avoid hurting people. After Lucifero is defeated at the end of the Spade Kingdom Raid Arc, Julius Novachrono is revealed to be the fourth Zogratis sibling who planned the events that would lead to him obtaining the Devil king's heart. Rewatch Bonus: Nero, who makes her first notable appearance in Chapter 9, actually appears in Chapter 2 as one of the anti-birds pestering Asta and can be distinguished by the shape of her eyes. Shiren Tium, a minor character who's a member of the Golden Dawn, appears way before he's formally introduced, as the one who demonstrates how to fly on a broomstick. When Asta, Noelle, and Vanessa are in town, a blue-haired girl in the Black Bulls cape can be seen in the background darting furtively into a shop. In the Underwater Temple Arc, the same girl's seen again. Here, it's revealed that she's Grey. Heath Grice, the first notable villain, has an unknown employer, who ends up being Licht. It isn't ever explicitly said who the employer is, but the stone sephirot that pops up in the chapter in which Heath kills himself pops up later when the Eye of the Midnight Sun is shown to be involved with it, which pretty much confirms that his employer is Licht. The man shown to be a human friend of Licht's in Chapter 86 is unnamed, but may seem familiar. Well, upon rereading Chapter 1, one can see that he's actually the first Wizard King, since his clothes and hair match those of his statue. The woman shown to be Licht's bride can be deduced to be the first Wizard King's sister, since in Chapter 69, the Wizard King tells Licht to take care of his sister right before a glimpse of his wedding is shown. When several reincarnated elves attack the Clover Castle in chapter 179, one of the elves, Baval, doesn't attack Mimosa when he spots her, instead telling her how she should give up and the elves will kill everyone and leaves. In chapter 182, Baval re-appears, only to introduce the Shadow Palace to the heroes, low-rolls his Dice Magic and flies towards the Shadow Palace. When Mimosa and Asta find him inside there however, he was found on the floor unconscious. Baval was later revealed to be possessed by Zagred via author's note, and his non-confrontational act is likely because Zagred's priority is to reach the Shadow Palace, so he had no reason to attack Mimosa or the other heroes at that time. In Megicula's fight, Noelle was able of drawing Megicula out from Vanica after 30 seconds and Rill's Twilight of Valhalla lasts long enough for Noelle to finish her off. A similar thing happens in Asta's fight against Lucifero, where his True Devil Union was somehow capable of reducing a fully intact Lucifero to shreds in five seconds. It's implied that Julius a.k.a. Lucius Zogratis, was using his powers offscreen to ensure the battles end up the way he wanted to. Most of Julius's actions make a lot more sense when we find out he's actually a split soul of the fourth Zogratis sibling who infiltrated Clover Kingdom and became its Wizard King. Suddenly, Julius recruiting Yami and Vangeance and sparing the latter despite his treasonous acts can no longer be rationalized as mere kindness, and anything else about him might have to be reconsidered with ulterior motives in mind. Ribcage Ridge: The village Hage, where Asta and Yuno are from, has a massive skeleton of the demon that the first Wizard King defeated. Rite of Passage: Every year, fifteen-year-olds in the Clover Kingdom go to towers to receive their grimoires, which greatly enhance their magical ability. This ceremony kicks off Asta and Yuno's journeys in becoming Magic Knights. Rousing Speech: Every so often, Noelle gives one of these. It's one of the few times royalty is shown in a positive light, and it's very unusual to hear her talk like this given her usual haughty nature, but the objects of her speeches come to realize she has a point and are enlightened or encouraged afterward. Royal Blood: The Clover Kingdom has three royal families: the Houses of Silva, Vermillion, and Kira. The Silva family includes the heroine Noelle and her siblings Nozel, Nebra, and Solid. The Vermillion family has Mimosa, her brother Kirsch, and their cousins Mereoleona, Fuegoleon, and Leopold. The Kira family is the current family on the throne. Royalty all have high levels of magic power because their ancestors stole mana from the elves. Royals Who Actually Do Something: A lot of the nobles go on to become Magic Knights, and as such, they end up serving the nation's best interests and security. Granted, a large portion of these same nobles are raging elitist jerks who are Royal Brats at best and Nominal Heroes at worst. Royalty Superpower: The reason members of the royal families have such great magical power is because their ancestors stole mana from the elves when they (allegedly) massacred them. It's for this reason that the elves especially hate royalty. Runic Magic: Mana Method is a technique used by the Heart Kingdom that forms runes out of natural mana that add effects to and increase the power of spells derived from magic attributes found in nature, at its peak forming the real element cast by the user. After the Clover Kingdom and Heart Kingdom form an alliance, it's taught to some Magic Knights. Running Gag: Noelle overpaying people for simple tasks. Sol calling Charlotte \"Sis\" (\"Char\" in the dub) instead of \"Captain\". Sekke bragging about his false accomplishments and the text stating that it's a lie. Yami being interrupted while using the toilet. 59ce067264
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