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Congratulations, you have successfully published your first Chrome extension. Here are a few tips for first-time extensions developers. This article will provide you some common Chrome Developer tools you may not know about. The following tasks are completed in a Chrome Extensions browser tab: Deploy a Chrome Extensions manifesto.json file to the Extensions folder, which is located in the root directory of your extension and listed as part of the manifest.json file. Write to a local storage file (extensions.sqlite), collecting all data from within your extension. Add your icon to the extension page. Go to chrome://extensions and click the installed tab. From a tab within the installs tab, you can drag an .png file to easily add this icon directly from your file manager. To verify the file, refer to the manifest.json file. Add your popup to the Chrome Extensions tab (chrome://extensions). Add your new tab (chrome://newtab) or bookmark (chrome://new-tab) to the extensions tab Add any additional pages that you want to link. Add any additional scripts that you want to load and run. Add any custom HTML or custom style sheets that you want to load.(chrome://extensions)
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise Edition is the most powerful visual development toolset for the.net Framework that supports Windows, Linux, Android, and Web-based app development. Windows 10 version available now is the only way to get Visual Studio.NET 2017 enterprise Edition on a Windows device today. Use the Edition Selection to help you choose which version of Visual Studio is best for your development: Professional, Enterprise, or Community. d2c66b5586