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The weaknesses in the manorial system were clearly shown by the rebellion of 1381. In response, the Statute of Pontefract (1388) made the rules of the system more efficient and ties with the royal courts more secure. The influence of the nobility was checked (if not eliminated) because it was no longer in a position to collect such large amounts of rent. It was also made illegal for any lord to raise money on his manor. All this had been granted to royal officials, who were in charge of the collection of rent and litigation. As it turned out however, the royal officials did not always implement the rules of the Statute. Consequently the land was fallow and there was a severe shortage of labour. There was therefore a need for tenants-in-chief to provide labour for the land. This situation was, however, unacceptable because it meant that the labouring class had few civil rights. It was here that the connection between the Statute and the copyhold system becomes apparent, for the Statute laid down the civil rights the copyholders should receive. In return for the right to enjoy these rights, the copyholders were obliged to attend manor courts where they were bound to pay a prescribed sum. Instead of a lord's service, the copyholders had to make 'necessary payments'. The Statute of Peasants came into force on 26 March 1350. It was a short-lived measure but it was the Statute which eventually laid the basis for the copyholders' prosperity, for the Statute's rules allowed them to accumulate resources. This in turn meant that they could buy freehold land, and this made it possible for them to establish themselves as freeholders. d2c66b5586