Free !!INSTALL!! Credit Card Numbers That Work 2014
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2. The instructions on credit card operations of banks and NBFCs as well as guidelines on issuance of debit cards and co-branded pre-paid cards by banks issued up to June 30, 2014 have been consolidated in this Master Circular.
A. Purpose: To provide a framework of rules/regulations/standards/practices to the credit, debit, prepaid card issuing banks and to the credit card issuing NBFCs to ensure that the same are in alignment with the best customer practices. Banks should adopt adequate safeguards and implement the following guidelines in order to ensure that their card operations are run on sound, prudent and customer friendly manner.
D. Scope of Application: To all Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs) that engage in credit, debit, prepaid card business directly or through their subsidiaries or affiliated companies controlled by them and to all NBFCs that engage in credit card business.
This circular is aimed at providing general guidance to banks/NBFCs on their credit card operations, and the systems and controls expected of them in managing their credit card business. It also sets out the best practices that they should aim to achieve.
Prior approval of the Reserve Bank is not necessary for banks desirous of undertaking credit card business either independently or in tie-up arrangement with other card issuing banks. Banks can do so with the approval of their Boards. However, only banks with networth of `100 crore and above should undertake credit card business. Banks desirous of setting up separate subsidiaries for undertaking credit card business would, however, require prior approval of the Reserve Bank. Banks should adopt adequate safeguards and implement the guidelines enunciated in this circular in order to ensure that their credit card operations are run in a sound, prudent and customer friendly manner.
2.1 Banks/NBFCs should ensure prudence while issuing credit cards and independently assess the credit risk while issuing cards to persons, especially to students and others with no independent financial means. Add-on cards i.e. those that are subsidiary to the principal card, may be issued with the clear understanding that the liability will be that of the principal cardholder.
2.2 In terms of the instructions contained in the circular DBOD.No.Leg.BC.65/09.07.005/2006-07 dated March 6, 2007, banks have been advised that in case of all categories of loans irrespective of any threshold limits, including credit card applications, banks should convey in writing the main reason/reasons which in the opinion of the bank have led to the rejection of the loan applications. It is reiterated that banks should convey in writing the main reason/reasons which have led to the rejection of the credit card applications.
3.1 Credit card dues are in the nature of non-priority sector personal loans and as such, upto June 30, 2010, banks were free to determine the rate of interest on credit card dues without reference to their BPLR and regardless of the size in terms of the Directives on Interest rates on advances. However, with the introduction of Base Rate system with effect from July 1, 2010, all categories of loans, except certain specified exemptions, should be priced only with reference to the Base Rate.
3.2 Banks are advised to be guided by the instructions on interest rate on advances, as amended from time to time, while determining the interest rate on credit card dues. Banks have also been advised that they should prescribe a ceiling rate of interest, including processing and other charges, in respect of small value personal loans and loans similar in nature. The above instructions are applicable to credit card dues also. In case, banks/ NBFCs charge interest rates which vary based on the payment/ default history of the cardholder, there should be transparency in levying of such differential interest rates. In other words, the fact that higher interest rates are being charged to the cardholder on account of his payment / default history should be made known to the cardholder. For this purpose, the banks should publicise through their website and other means, the interest rates charged to various categories of customers. Banks/NBFCs should upfront indicate to the credit card holder, the methodology of calculation of finance charges with illustrative examples, particularly in situations where a part of the amount outstanding is only paid by the customer.
Card issuers should quote Annualized Percentage Rates (APR) on card products (separately for retail purchase and for cash advance, if different). The method of calculation of APR should be given with a couple of examples for better comprehension. The APR charged and the annual fee should be shown with equal prominence. The late payment charges, including the method of calculation of such charges and the number of days, should be prominently indicated. The manner in which the outstanding unpaid amount will be included for calculation of interest should also be specifically shown with prominence in all monthly statements. Even where the minimum amount indicated to keep the card valid has been paid, it should be indicated in bold letters that the interest will be charged on the amount due after the due date of payment. These aspects may be shown in the Welcome Kit in addition to being shown in the monthly statement. A legend/notice to the effect that Making only the minimum payment every month would result in the repayment stretching over years with consequent interest payment on your outstanding balance\" should be prominently displayed in all the monthly statements so as to caution the customers about the pitfalls in paying only the minimum amount due.
The banks /NBFCs should not levy any charge that was not explicitly indicated to the credit card holder at the time of issue of the card and without getting his / her consent. However, this would not be applicable to charges like service taxes, etc. which may subsequently be levied by the Government or any other statutory authority.
The card issuing bank/NBFC should ensure that wrong bills are not raised and issued to customers. In case, a customer protests any bill, the bank/ NBFC should provide explanation and, if necessary, documentary evidence may also be provided to the customer within a maximum period of sixty days with a spirit to amicably redress the grievances.
There have been instances where unsolicited cards issued have been misused before reaching the person in whose name these have been issued. It is clarified that any loss arising out of misuse of such unsolicited cards will be the responsibility of the card issuing bank/NBFC only and the person in whose name the card has been issued cannot be held responsible for the same.
The card issuing bank/NBFC should not reveal any information relating to customers obtained at the time of opening the account or issuing the credit card to any other person or organization without obtaining their specific consent, as regards the purpose/s for which the information will be used and the organizations with whom the information will be shared. Instances have come to light where banks, as part of the MITCs, obtain the consent of the customer for sharing the information furnished by him while applying for the credit card, with other agencies. Banks should give the customer the option to decide as to whether he is agreeable for the bank sharing with other agencies the information furnished by him at the time of applying for credit card. The application form for credit card may be suitably modified to explicitly provide for the same. Further, in case where the customers gives his consent for the bank sharing the information with other agencies, banks should explicitly state and explain clearly to the customer the full meaning/ implications of the disclosure clause. Banks/NBFCs should satisfy themselves, based on specific legal advice, that the information being sought from them is not of such nature as will violate the provisions of the laws relating to secrecy in the transactions. Banks/NBFCs would be solely responsible for the correctness or otherwise of the data provided for the purpose.
For providing information relating to credit history / repayment record of the card holder to a Credit Information Company (that has obtained Certificate of Registration from RBI), the bank/NBFC may explicitly bring to the notice of the customer that such information is being provided in terms of the Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005.
Before reporting default status of a credit card holder to a Credit Information Company which has obtained Certificate of Registration from RBI and of which the bank / NBFC is a member, banks/NBFCs should ensure that they adhere to a procedure, duly approved by their Board, including issuing of sufficient notice to such card holder about the intention to report him/ her as defaulter to the Credit Information Company. The procedure should also cover the notice period for such reporting as also the period within which such report will be withdrawn in the event the customer settles his dues after having been reported as defaulter. Banks /NBFCs should be particularly careful in the case of cards where there are pending disputes. The disclosure/ release of information, particularly about the default, should be made only after the dispute is settled as far as possible. In all cases, a well laid down procedure should be transparently followed. These procedures should also be transparently made known as part of MITCs.
The disclosure to the DSAs / recovery agents should also be limited to the extent that will enable them to discharge their duties. Personal information provided by the card holder but not required for recovery purposes should not be released by the card issuing bank/NBFC. The card issuing bank /NBFCs should ensure that the DSAs / DMAs do not transfer or misuse any customer information during marketing of credit card products.
In particular, in regard to appointment of third party agencies for debt collection, it is essential that such agents refrain from action that could damage the integrity and reputation of the bank/NBFC and that they observe strict customer confidentiality. All letters issued by recovery agents must contain the name and address of a responsible senior officer of the card issuing bank whom the customer can contact at his location. 153554b96e