Hate Story 2 Full Movie Download Hd 1080p __FULL__
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The content of the project is to empower Media Literacy for young people in orderto create more news for youth, movies, videos and images in order to present andfight against negative issues of the society. At the beginning of the project wwwould like to organize a information workshop about the Media Literacy andpreparing young people to deal with issues of the societies and their problems. Wewould like to create an active generation expressing the truth and creativity in frontof the others. After we would collect information, videos and materials in YouthMedia Education Center in Malisheva we will open a call for international creativeyoung people to participate in the Malisheva Youth Film Fest in order to create oneof the biggest event in the history of Malisheva City. Our greatest advance is thatour NGO Values for Better Future we have a great number of friends who willsupport us organizing our event informing their active member of the FilmFestivals, Media Education and International Summits.Duration (from 01/02/2016/ to 01/12/ 2016 /(with an going processLocation- Malisheva City/KosovoField/discipline Media Literacy 2b1af7f3a8