HD Online Player (mcr 200 Chip Software 56)
HD Online Player (mcr 200 Chip Software 56) >> https://geags.com/2tghD2
Hi MArco.The MCR 200 you brogth just came wicth Mag Stripe program.You just clone the card using mag. You did not clone the EMV chip.I brogth the same one and I did not have the software to read and writti the EMV chip.
First of all there is software who write on the cip but of course is writing only some data but enough to perform a pos transaction. These programs are named like rb2 rb4 rb5 and rb6 which is only a rb5 version full of keyloggers and viruses.Second. after i get one of thise programs i write on a jcop card 21-36 my mastercard data read it before with cardpeek which by the way is from far away the most easy and free program to read emv chip cards. 153554b96e