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Passwords are currently considered the most secure authentication method. The password is a string of characters that the user uses to access his or her account. Passwords can be a simple word or a made-up alphabetic or numeric string. They are a common method of controlling access to most information systems. This is why you must be careful to select a strong password that is not easy to guess. For instance, do not use names, dates, or personal information for your passwords. If, however, you would like to use a name or date for your password, be sure to store it in a place that is not easily discovered, such as an encrypted file on your computer.Strong Password Guidelines A strong password should be a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols used to protect your account and system. It should be secure, should not be easily guessed, and should not be easily forgotten or have to be re-initiated. A password policy should be established as part of an organization's overall security policy and should require that all system users be required to change their passwords at least once a year. A password policy should include:Pre-set password requirements (e.g., passwords must consist of eight characters with one capital letter, numeric digit, and one symbol)A password reminder or policy (e.g., users must change their password every six months)Recoverability of lost passwords (e.g., passwords should be stored on your computer in a hidden password manager file)The password policy should allow for passwords to be changed online using a secure method (e.g., https)Password storage should be in a place that cannot be easily discovered (e.g., encrypted files on a computer's hard drive)Password storage should be in a place that cannot be easily updated (e.g., encrypted files on a computer's hard drive)The password policy should address acceptable passwords (e.g., Do not use your own name for a password). 827ec27edc