Less Commonly Known Bulimia Side Effects
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A sore throat, stomach pain, or both may be the first obvious physical side effects of bulimia. As the disorder progresses, chronic self-induced vomiting can cause a variety of symptoms in the digestive tract, beginning at the mouth. Over time, the high acid content of vomit can damage teeth and cause enamel erosion, tooth sensitivity, and gum disease. Puffy cheeks or jaws may be noticed secondary to swollen salivary glands.
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder with symptoms that commonly include repeated episodes of extreme overeating followed by self-induced vomiting, lack of control over this binge-purge cycle, and a poor or unrealistic body image. You may already know that bulimia can lead to serious health problems such as dehydration, inflammation of the esophagus, tooth decay, electrolyte imbalances and potentially fatal changes in normal heart function. However, the disorder can also produce a range of less well-known side effects.
Changes in menstruation are a well-known potential effect of another eating disorder, anorexia nervosa. However, they also frequently occur as side effects of bulimia. As many as half of all teenagers and women affected by the disorder will stop menstruating altogether for extended periods of time. Substantial numbers will also menstruate intermittently or experience a reduced menstrual flow.
In a small number of cases, bulimia side effects can also include a condition called aspiration pneumonia. This condition occurs when an infection or inflammation affects the passageway leading to your lungs or your lungs themselves. In a person with bulimia, the typical cause of aspiration pneumonia is accidental inhalation of vomited food during a purging episode. A very small number of individuals dealing with the eating disorder develop another chest-related condition called pneumomediastinum, which occurs when air abnormally fills the mediastinum, a cavity located between your lungs.
In controlled trials of patients ages 18 to 55 years, 5.1% (19/373) of VYVANSE-treated patients discontinued due to adverse reactions compared to 2.4% (9/372) of placebo-treated patients. No single adverse reaction led to discontinuation in 1% or more of VYVANSE-treated patients. Less commonly reported adverse reactions (less than 1% or less than twice rate of placebo) included increased heart rate, headache, abdominal pain upper, dyspnea, rash, insomnia, irritability, feeling jittery and anxiety.
The limited available data from published literature and postmarketing reports on use of VYVANSE in pregnant women are not sufficient to inform a drug-associated risk for major birth defects and miscarriage. Adverse pregnancy outcomes, including premature delivery and low birth weight, have been seen in infants born to mothers dependent on amphetamines [see Clinical Considerations]. In animal reproduction studies, lisdexamfetamine dimesylate (a prodrug of d-amphetamine) had no effects on embryo-fetal morphological development or survival when administered orally to pregnant rats and rabbits throughout the period of organogenesis. Pre-and postnatal studies were not conducted with lisdexamfetamine dimesylate. However, amphetamine (d-to l-ratio of 3:1) administration to pregnant rats during gestation and lactation caused a decrease in pup survival and a decrease in pup body weight that correlated with a delay in developmental landmarks at clinically relevant doses of amphetamine. In addition, adverse effects on reproductive performance were observed in pups whose mothers were treated with amphetamine. Long-term neurochemical and behavioral effects have also been reported in animal developmental studies using clinically relevant doses of amphetamine [see Data].
1.9 and 7.5. There are no reports of adverse effects on the breastfed infant. Long-term neurodevelopmental effects on infants from amphetamine exposure are unknown. It is possible that large dosages of dextroamphetamine might interfere with milk production, especially in women whose lactation is not well established. Because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants, including serious cardiovascular reactions, blood pressure and heart rate increase, suppression of growth, and peripheral vasculopathy, advise patients that breastfeeding is not recommended during treatment with VYVANSE.
Manifestations of amphetamine overdose include restlessness, tremor, hyperreflexia, rapid respiration, confusion, assaultiveness, hallucinations, panic states, hyperpyrexia and rhabdomyolysis. Fatigue and depression usually follow the central nervous system stimulation. Serotonin syndrome has been reported with amphetamine use, including VYVANSE. Cardiovascular effects include arrhythmias, hypertension or hypotension and circulatory collapse. Gastrointestinal symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Fatal poisoning is usually preceded by convulsions and coma.
Acute administration of high doses of amphetamine (d-or d, l-) has been shown to produce long-lasting neurotoxic effects, including irreversible nerve fiber damage, in rodents. The significance of these findings to humans is unknown.
VYVANSE can affect the way other medicines work and other medicines may affect how VYVANSE works. Taking VYVANSE with other medicines can cause serious side effects. Sometimes the doses of other medicines will need to be changed while taking VYVANSE.
The bingeing and purging of bulimia is often fueled by dysfunctional, self-sabotaging ways of thinking that undermine your confidence, color everything in an unrealistically negative light, and make you feel helpless, inadequate, and ashamed. But you can learn to put a stop to these unhealthy mental habits.
Unlike most eating disorders which normally first present during adolescence, rumination disorder is most common in infancy and early childhood, although it can persist into adulthood. A person with rumination disorder routinely regurgitates food, which they may spit out or chew and then swallow again. Normally, they do not experience stress or disgust when regurgitating, nor do they appear to make an effort to vomit (as seen in bulimia nervosa). Rumination disorder is often a reaction to an irrational fear of illness caused by eating, although its causes are less well-understood than other eating disorders. Treatment normally involves talk therapy as well as behavioral therapy such as training to use deep breathing techniques when regurgitation appears to be coming. Rumination disorder is listed in the DSM-V.
Restricting insulin as well as food can be quite dangerous; lowness to heal from cuts and bruises, dizziness and fainting, organ failure caused by diabetic ketoacidosis, strokes, various staph, and other infections, and death can result unless insulin is properly administered. Eating disorder treatment is often focused around talk therapy, but diabulimia normally required a residential treatment facility where medical support can be applied 24/7.
Bulimia nervosa is a serious eating disorder whose long-term effects should not be overlooked. Persons with bulimia will eat a large among of food and then rid their body of the food through self-induced vomiting or the use of laxatives or diuretics. They may also restrict calories through fasting or excessive exercise to make up for the periods of binging.
Many of these short-term effects will dissipate once a person recovers from bulimia and receives proper medical care. However, a person is still at risk for having health complications in the long-term due to the period of poor nutrition. The severity of these effects depends on the intensity of the disorder and how long it persisted.
If you are currently struggling with bulimia, help is available. Recovery includes a combination of medical attention and nutritional planning to counter the effects of poor nutrition and purging. Mental health treatment is also vital component, to address potential co-occurring illness like depression or anxiety and to help a person identify and challenge negative thought patterns and environmental influences that contributed to the eating disorder behaviors.
Diabulimia (a portmanteau of diabetes and bulimia), also known as ED-DMT1 (eating disorder-diabetes mellitus type 1) in the US or T1ED (type 1 eating disorder) in the UK, is an eating disorder in which people with type 1 diabetes deliberately give themselves less insulin than they need or stop taking it altogether for the purpose of weight loss. Diabulimia is not recognized as a formal psychiatric diagnosis in the DSM-5. Because of this, some in the medical or psychiatric communities use the phrases \"disturbed eating behavior\" or \"disordered eating behavior\" (DEB in both cases) and disordered eating (DE) are quite common in medical and psychiatric literature addressing patients who have type 1 diabetes and manipulate insulin doses to control weight along with exhibiting bulimic behavior.
A person with diabulimia, especially if not treated early, can result in negative effects on the body earlier than one who is managing properly. Of diabetics who have a DEB, some intentionally misuse insulin to control weight.[1][2][3] This may also involve irregular eating patterns.[4][5]
Diabulimia is caused by a range of factors relating to body image, the regular use of insulin, and emotional well-being.[5][6] The long-term management of type 1 diabetes often involves dietary restrictions for control of blood sugar level, which can raise a negative attention to diet.[4][6] There is often a focus on the fact that insulin can cause weight gain, and that not using insulin can cause weight loss.[6][11] This increases the risk of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. The vast majority of people with diabulimia are aware of the negative side effects that hyperglycaemia can cause.[7] Skipping insulin can lead to weight loss without side effects at first, but the risk of side effects gets progressively worse - by this time, it is more difficult to change behaviour.[4] 153554b96e