Memory Pictures 4.3.1
GraalVM Native Images are standalone executables that can be generated by processing compiled Java applications ahead-of-time.Native Images generally have a smaller memory footprint and start faster than their JVM counterparts.
GraalVM Native Images provide a new way to deploy and run Java applications.Compared to the Java Virtual Machine, native images can run with a smaller memory footprint and with much faster startup times.
C.1 BACKGROUNDC.1.1 The Library of Congress and the National Digital Library ProgramThe central mission of the Library of Congress (Library or LC) is to assemble, preserve, andprovide access to a universal collection representing human knowledge in order to serve theUnited States Congress and the American people. During the next several years, the provision ofaccess to this collection will increasingly be accomplished via online networks and the Library ofCongress will work cooperatively with other libraries and archives to establish a national digitallibrary. To support its growing role in online access, the Library has established the National DigitalLibrary Program (NDLP), which has as its primary focus the conversion of historical collectionsto digital form. By the end of the year 2000, the Library plans to convert hundreds of thousandsof its more than 100 million items. The material to be converted includes books and pamphlets,manuscripts, prints and photographs, motion pictures, and sound recordings. As America's national library, the Library of Congress is committed to establishing andmaintaining standards and practices that will support the development of the national digitallibrary.Table of Contents for:Section C Entire RFP
The Library will furnish to the contractor the original materials to be scanned. Items in LOT 1will be brought to the designated workspace(s) in the Library of Congress buildings (Madisonand Adams) located on Capitol Hill. Items in LOT 2 will be packed for pickup/shipments to thecontractor's facility.The following terms describe portions or segments of materials to be digitized:collection A coherent group of materials as held by the Library and typically described as a unitin cataloging or finding aids. Example: the 7,000-picture Civil War photograph collectionwhich occupies 16 vertical-file drawers.batch A block of materials within a collection that shall be treated as a production unit, i.e.,task order and delivery requirements will be stated in terms of batches. Example: each four-drawer Civil War photograph file cabinet contains from 1,500-2,000 pictures which constitutes abatch for that collection.scan group A block of materials of a convenient size for Library personnel to deliver to thecontractor and sufficiently large enough to provide work for one or two scanning sessions. Example: each drawer of Civil War photographs containing from 400-500 pictures constitutes ascan group for that collection.C.3.1 LOT 1 - Work SpaceFor the scanning of the materials in LOT 1, the Library will provide work space, access toelectrical outlets, and telephones. The work space for the LOT 1, HABS/HAER effort, will belocated in the Prints and Photographs Division. This space is 5 x 25 feet and will be available foruse by the contractor from 6:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The workspacewill include at least eight feet of shelf space with cabinet space below (see Section J, Attachment8 for a floor plan of the workspace).The work space for the second LOT 1 work effort will be located in the Library's AdamsBuilding. This space will also be available for use by the contractor from 6:30 a.m. until 6:00p.m., Monday through Friday.C.3.2 LOT 1 - Original ItemsLOT 1 materials shall be captured in scan groups. The items to be delivered to the contractormay be stored individually in various types of containers and also be stored as a group in variousfile drawers. The storage medium will vary from collection to collection. Two illustrative examples are 1) the 4 x 5-inch HABS/HAER negatives which are stored in 5 x 8x 4-inch boxes with as many as 50 of these boxes stored in a vertical file drawer; and 2) themounted Civil War prints which are kept in vertical-file drawers, some of which are individuallyencased in mylar with approximately 400-500 prints per drawer.The size of the scan group will depend upon the value of the original, its fragility, the availabilityof secure storage at the scanning site, and other factors. At a minimum, enough material for eachday's scanning session will be provided. For most collections of housed items, e.g., negatives in envelopes or prints in mylar, all handlingand scanning labor shall be performed by contractor personnel which shall include removingitems from storage containers one at a time, performing the scanning and associated recordkeeping, and replacing the items in the housing after capture has been completed. In somesituations, such as with fragile or rare items, a Library technician will assist the operator byremoving the item from the housing, handling the materials to be scanned at the time of imagecapture, and subsequently rehousing the original object. Task order instructions will be providedfor specific collections.Each original item furnished will be marked with a physical identification number. Printstypically have an identification number written on the back. Negatives typically have thenegative number (the physical identification number for a negative) written on the storageenvelope. C.3.3 LOT 2 - Original Materials C.3.3.1 Mead/Bateson NegativesThe Library will prepare and pack the negatives to be digitized for shipment to the contractor inbatches and will notify the contractor's approved carrier when the shipments are ready. Eachbatch will be accompanied by an inventory that lists each original negative by negative and framenumber along with the corresponding series code (unique identifier). The contractor shallvalidate each shipment upon receipt and return a Receipt of Materials Form (see Section J,Attachment 7). A written record shall be made of any other deviations, and the COTR shall benotified of such within 24 hrs. To minimize the potential for loss or damage to the originalnegatives, the Library will ship negatives in batches totaling approximately 1,400 frames at anyone time. It is anticipated that no more than 4,320 negatives shall be on the contractor's premisesat any one time. This will permit one incoming, one batch in production, and one batch inpreparation for return. If a completed batch of digital images (shipment of 1,440) is rejected forany reason, the Library will halt further shipments to the contractor until corrections are madeand the batch has been accepted.C.3.3.2 Civil War Microfiche (Optional Requirement) The Library will prepare and pack the fiche to be digitized for shipment to the contractor inbatches and will notify the contractor's approved carrier when the shipment are ready. Eachbatch will be accompanied by an inventory that lists each original fiche. The contractor shallvalidate each shipment upon receipt and return a Receipt of Materials Form (see Section J,Attachment 7). A written record shall be made of any other deviations, and the COTR shall benotified of such within 24 hrs. To minimize the potential for loss or damage, the Library shallship fiches in batches of about 500. It is anticipated that no more than 1,500 fische shall be onthe contractor's premises at any one time. This will permit one incoming, one batch inproduction, and one batch in preparation for return. If a completed batch of digital images(shipment of 500) is rejected for any reason, the Library will halt further shipments to thecontractor until corrections are made and the batch has been accepted.Table of Contents for:Section C Entire RFP
The contractor shall produce sets of digital images following both the general requirementsincluded in Section C and also the collection specfic requirements included in the Section J,Attachments. All general requirements shall apply to both LOT 1 and LOT 2 unless indicatedotherwise. Additional collection specific requirements not included will be provided asstatements of work prior to issuance of task orders. C.4.1 Mandatory Image Types--Format, Resolution, and CompressionWith the exception of the cartographic images, the Library's mandatory requirement is that eachoriginal item shall be reproduced as a set of three digital images: (1) an uncompressed archivalimage (either 3000, 4000 or 5000 pixels--the specific type to be produced for a given collectionwill be stated in the task order), (2) a compressed reference image, and (3) a thumbnail image(See C.4.3.1, C., C.4.3.2, and C.4.3.3). The requirement for cartographic images is thateach original item be produced as an archival image as specified in C.4.3.5 and a thumbnailimage as specified in C.4.3.3.C.4.2 Desirable Image TypesBased on an understanding that more of the information in an original item will be captured in adigital file with an extended tonal range and, additionally, that such images offer superior serviceas archival files and can provide publishers with better sources for printing plates, the Library hasa two-part desirable requirement that involves the creation of four images instead of the three inthe mandatory requirement. (There is no desirable requirement for the cartographic images.) Thefirst part of the desirable requirement is for the creation of an archival image with a tonal rangeof 12 or more bits-per-pixel (36 or more bits for color) as specified in C. The second partof the desirable requirement is for the creation of a display image at the same spatial resolution asthe archival image (3,000, 4,000, or 5,000 pixels) but with tonality reduced to 8 bits-per-pixel (24bits for color) and JPEG compression applied (see C.4.3.4). This image shall serve end userswho, after viewing a thumbnail (C.4.3.3) or compressed reference image (C.4.3.2), wish to viewa higher resolution version of the picture, and for whom a compressed image will transmitefficiently over the Internet.C.4.3 Image Format, Resolution, and CompressionImage requirements in terms of format, resolution, and compression for both the mandatory anddesirable images are as specified below.C.4.3.1 5UA, 4UA, or 3UA: 5000-, 4000-, or 3000-PIXEL UNCOMPRESSED ARCHIVAL IMAGES (Mandatory) - Spatial resolution of approximately either 5,000 (5UA), 4000 (4UA), or 3,000 (3UA) pixels asspecified on the image's long side--with the short side falling where it may. This resolution shallbe the actual optical resolution of the capture (or a reduction therefrom) and shall not representvalues achieved by interpolation.- No sharpening or other enhancement- Uncompressed- \"Intel\" TIFF, with ver. 5.0 or 6.0 headers (content specified elsewhere in this Statement ofWork)- Must work in IBM-compatible environmentC. Mandatory Tonality- Tonal (pixel-depth resolution): Color: 24 bits-per-pixel; black and white: 8 bits-per-pixelC. Desirable Tonality- Tonal (pixel-depth resolution): Color: 36 or more bits-per-pixel; black and white: 12 or morebits-per-pixelC.4.3.2 CRI: COMPRESSED REFERENCE IMAGES (Mandatory)- Spatial resolution approximately 640 pixels on the image's long side--with the short side fallingwhere it may. This resolution shall be the actual optical resolution of the capture (or a reductiontherefrom) and shall not represent values achieved by interpolation.- Tonal (pixel-depth resolution): Color: 24 bits-per-pixel; black and white: 8 bits-per-pixel- Sharpen or other enhancement shall be at a level as defined and determined during the contractstartup and test activity- JPEG compression to yield average compression of 10:1 for grayscale and 15:1 for color - JFIF format/headers - Must work in IBM-compatible environment C.4.3.3 THM: THUMBNAIL IMAGES (Mandatory)- Spatial resolution approximately 150 pixels on the image's long side--with the short side fallingwhere it may.- Tonal (pixel-depth resolution): 8 bits-per-pixel- Palettes optimized (adaptive palettes) for each image- Sharpen or other enhancement shall be at a level as defined and determined during the contractstartup and test activity- Uncompressed- \"Intel\" TIFF, with ver. 5.0 or 6.0 headers (content specified elsewhere in this Statement ofWork)- Must work in IBM-compatible environment C.4.3.4 5DI, 4DI, or 3DI: 5000-, 4000-, or 3000-PIXEL COMPRESSED DISPLAYIMAGES (Desirable)- Spatial resolution of approximately of either 5,000 (5DI), 4000 (4DI), or 3,000 (3DI) pixels asspecified on the image's long side--with the short side falling where it may. This resolution shallbe the actual optical resolution of the capture (or a reduction therefrom) and shall not representvalues achieved by interpolation.- Tonal (pixel-depth resolution): Color: 24 bits-per-pixel; black and white: 8 bits-per-pixel- Sharpen or other enhancement shall be at a level as defined and determined during the contractstartup and test activity- JPEG compression to yield average compression of 10:1 for grayscale and 15:1 for color - JFIF format/headers - Must work in IBM-compatible environment C.4.3.5 CUA: CARTOGRAPHIC UNCOMPRESSED ARCHIVAL IMAGES (OPTION) - Spatial resolution of 300 dpi as measured against the original paper map that has been copiedonto a 105mm fiche (see Section J, Attachment 6). The scanning resolution applied to the ficheshall be high enough to yield 300 dpi when the fiche reduction ratio is considered and shall bethe actual optical resolution of the capture and shall not represent values achieved byinterpolation. Image-tile concatenation may be required to produce these images.- Sharpen or other enhancement shall be at a level as defined and determined during the setupactivity for this collection- Uncompressed- \"Intel\" TIFF, with ver. 5.0 or 6.0 headers (content specified elsewhere in this Statement ofWork)- Must work in IBM-compatible environment- Tonal (pixel-depth resolution): Color: 24 bits-per-pixel; black and white: 8 bits-per-pixelC.4.4 Image Tonal RangeThe tonal range of the delivered digital images delivered shall be representative of the originalscene or artifact or, in the case of images whose source is a photographic negative, of theexpected representation of the original scene when the negative is reproduced as a positive print. For prints (black-and-white or color), the objective is to reproduce the items as they existin the collection. For negatives and original positive transparencies , the objective is to create a positiveimage in a manner that may be compared to creating a print (black-and-white or color) ina darkroom.Providing images with acceptable tonal qualities shall require that the scanning operator exercisejudgement when producing the images. The operator's judgement required to achieve therequired outcome shall be especially critical when imaging color items. Utilization of generalimaging industry standards and those as agreed to and established during the contract startup andtesting phase shall be followed. Additionally, consultation with Library staff may, when necessary, be required in order to ensure that appropriate operatorjudgements are made throughout the run of a particular batch or scan group.C.4.4.1 Tonal Value (Mandatory)Tonal value for all mandatory images and the desirable compressed display image shall be asfollows: For a black-and-white scene with a typical range of brightness, e.g., a landscape in daylight ora conventional studio portrait, a histogram shall show continuity of sampling and shall includevalues ranging from black to white. Some pixel values shall fall in the range of 5 - 12 (black)while some values shall fall in the range 243-250 (white). For color images with typical scene brightness that include white or black elements, similarvalues shall be provided for RGB (red, green, blue) renderings of white or black, i.e., a whitearea shall have values of r=243-250, b=243-250, and g=243-250 and a black area shall havevalues of r=5-12, b=5-12, and g=5-12. C.4.4.2 Tonal Value (Desirable Archival Image)The tonal value for the desirable archival images shall be as follows:For a black-and-white scene with a typical range of brightness, e.g., a landscape in daylight ora conventional studio portrait. If the desireable images are produced at 12 bits-per-pixel, thehistogram shall show continuity of sampling and include values ranging from black to white, andsome pixel values in the range of 5-15 (black) will be present as well as some values in the range4070-4086 (white). If the desireable images are produced at greater than 12 bits-per-pixel, thehistogram shall show continuity of sampling and include values proportionally greater than thosefor 12 bits per pixel. For color images with typical scene brightness that include white or black elements, if thedesireable images are produced at 36 bits-per-pixel, similar values shall be provided for RGB(red, green, blue) renderings of white or black, i.e., a white area shall have values of r=4070-4086, b=4070-4086, and g=4070-4086 and a black area shall have values of r=0-10, b=0-10, andg=0-10. If the desireable images are produced at greater than 36 bits-per-pixel, the histogramshall show continuity of sampling and include values proportionally greater than those for 36 bitsper pixel.C.4.5 Deriving the Reference and Thumbnail ImagesThe requirements for tonal representation shall apply to all three (archival, reference andthumbnail) images. The reference and thumbnail images, however, shall be reduced in scale andshall be sharpened, compressed, and color-indexed as applicable. The methods or techniques tobe used to provide this additional image processing shall minimize image degradation and alsoproduce derivative images that maintain the general look and character of the archival images.C.4.6 Requirements Subject to MeasurementThe image-capture system used to produce the images shall meet certain requirements thatpertain to spatial resolution, tonal distribution, and noise (signal to noise ratio; meaning howmany bits of the stored file are actual image information and how many bits are random noise ofthe system). Spatial resolution is determined by measuring the modulation transfer function(MTF) of the capture system. This will enable the Library to ensure that the delivered files havethe required resolution and were not sampled up from a lower resolution; for example, an imageproduced from an 8x10-inch photograph at 3,000-pixels shall have a spatial resolution that istruly 300 dpi and was not sampled up from a 200 dpi file. The measurement of tonal distribution(C.4.6.2) shall confirm that the capture system is capable of capturing images that have the fullrange of tones as specified in the requirements above. The measurement of noise (C.4.6.3) shallensure that the capture system produces a signal that includes as much image information aspossible.C.4.6.1 Modulation Transfer Function The measured MTF shall have values which fall within the ranges given in the following table, atthe given spatial frequencies:FrequencyMTF10.90 to 1.020.80 to 1.030.70 to 1.040.60 to 1.050.50 to 1.060.40 to 1.080.30 to 1.0100.20 to 1.0C.4.6.2 Tonal Resolution For mandatory images (8-bit grayscale), the digital values should be linear to the original density. The digital values for each area on the grayscale target shall not deviate by more than 10 from alinear least squares regression line fitted between the densities of the original target and thedigital output values. A white area shall have values of r=243-250, g=243-250, and b=243-250,and a black area shall have values of r=5-12, g=5-12, and b=5-12. Care should be taken that noclipping (= loss of details) in either the highlights or the shadows occurs.For desirable images the digital values should be linear to reflectance / or transmittance. A whitearea shall have values of r=4070-4086, g=4070-4086, and g=4070-4086, and a black area shallhave values of r=5-15, g=5-15, and b=5-15. Care should be taken that no clipping (= loss ofdetails) in either the highlights or the shadows occurs.C.4.6.3 Baseline Values for Noise, Flare, and GeometryMeasurement of the evaluation benchmark test (Section M.2.2) of the target images (SectionC.4.6.4) will establish baseline values for noise, flare, and scanner geometry. These baselinevalues shall not deterioriate during the period of performance, i.e., noise and flare shall notincrease nor geometry be adversely affected. As indicated in Section C.7.5.2, the contractor shall include newly scanned images of the targetset with each batch of images delivered to the Library, for use in determining that the baselinevalues are maintained. The Library will notify contractors if the values are not maintained. Thecontractor shall then take steps to bring the values to the levels measured earlier.C.4.6.4 Targets for Objective MeasurementThe conformance of the contractor's system to the preceding requirements shall be determined bymeasuring images of the target sets described below. The target sets and the measurement toolshave been provided by the Image Permanence Institute (IPI) of Rochester, NY.C. Transmitted light target setThe transmitted light target set will include the following elements:A. Spatial resolution targets (produced by Sine Patterns Inc.). Sine Patterns M-6-60, size 46 x 70 mm (for larger format originals, used for Lot 1evaluation) Sine Patterns M-7-60, size 21.5 x 30 mm (for smaller originals, used for Lot 2 evaluation)The Sine Pattern target contains four rows of patterns. The top row contains seven differenttransmittance density patches. The next two rows contain sine wave patterns with differentspatial frequencies, and the bottom row contains seven additional different transmittance densitypatches. Each target is calibrated individually by the manufacturer.B. Gray Scale targets. Measurement of the image of this target characterizes the relationshipbetween the input values and the digital output values. In addition, the white, middle gray, andblack area of the grayscale target will be used to measure the system noise (see C below). Target consisting of 12 different gray density patches on a middle gray background (fordigital cameras). Target that includes a gray scale and a white, a gray, and a black area (for linear arrayscanners).C. An Additional target. Knife-edge target for resolution measurement; this target will allow for an additionalmeasurement of the spatial resolution using a different approach than the sine wavetarget. The target necessary consists of a slightly tilted sharp edge. The results can becompared to readings from the Sine Patterns targets (A. above); the knife edge targetresponds differently to image sharpening and improper resampling methods and helpsdetermine if post-scan processing has been applied. Additionally, the targets shall be evaluated for scanner noise, scanner geometry, andflare.C. Reflected light target setThe reflected light target set will include the following elements:A. Spatial resolution targets (produced by Sine Patterns Inc.). Sine Patterns M-13-60 (1x), size 47x70 mm.The target contains four rows of patterns. The top row contains seven different reflectancedensity patches. The next two rows contain sine wave patterns with different spatial frequencies,and the bottom row contains seven additional different reflectance density patches. Each target iscalibrated by the manufacturer.B. Grayscale targets.Same types as transmitted light target set above, except these are manufactured for reflected lightreadings.C. An Additional target.Same type as transmitted light target set above, except this has been manufactured for reflected light readings.DELETEDC.4.7 TIFF Header Requirements TIFF version 5.0 shall be satisfactory; version 6.0 may be substituted as samples during projectstartup and is subject to acceptance by the Library. The Library uses the TIFF tags listed below. \"Typical\" or \"expected\" data are provided for most tags. Exceptions to the norm are noted in thecomments column. DescriptionTagCommentsNewSubfileType254ImageWidth256actual pixel countImageLength257actual pixel countBitsPerSample258Compression259PhotometricInterpretation262DocumentName269collection identifier andfilename* (**YResolution283**ResolutionUnit296**DateTime306date and time scannedArtist315Library of Congress* Each collection identifier is a designation which shall also be used as part of the CD-ROMvolume names (see C.9.2).** At least two options exist for tags 282, 283, and 296, either one of which is acceptable:Option 1 (often used for full-size uncompressed images)Xresolution282actual pixel countYResolution283actual pixel countResolutionUnit2961 (no unit specified)Option 2 (often used for thumbnail images)Xresolution282dots per inchYResolution283dots per inchResolutionUnit2962 (inch)In order for the digital images to open in all software packages, the TIFF header tags shall besorted into ascending numerical order.C.4.8 CroppingThe Library wishes to provide researchers with a reproduction of the entire original item. Thus,images shall be framed and cropped to show the entire original item and beyond the item's edges. For negatives or other transmitted light items, each digital image shall reproduce that item'sactual-image area, the border on the film that surrounds the image area, and a portion of thebackground (light box or scanner top) beyond the edge of the film. A similar approach shall befollowed for reflected-light items; the whole print, whole mount, and a portion of the background(beyond the mount) shall be reproduced. In the delivered images, the amount shown beyond the edge of the item shall be no less than 1.5percent of the dimension of the long side image. Thus, for a 3,000 x 2,000-pixel image, theborder beyond the reproduction of the original item shall consist of approximately 35 pixels onall four sides; for a 640 x 480-pixel image, the border shall consist of approximately 10 pixels onall four sides.Exceptions to these requirements may be required for some collections as indicated in C.4.8.1below and in Section J, Attachments 5 and 6 for LOT 2 collections.C.4.8.1 Cropping - Multiple Items on a Single MountWhen multiple prints are mounted on a single board, e.g., eight Civil War portraits on onecardboard mount or three small prints mounted on a single scrapbook page, each image on amultiple-print mount shall be captured separately. Framing for each print shall extend beyondthe image proper in a manner consistent with the cropping instructions in Section C.4.10. Specific task orders may additionally require the production of an image that captures the fullphysical item, i.e., a Civil War mount with eight portraits or a full scrapbook page with threeprints.C.4.9 Concatenation in Civil War Maps (LOT 2 - Optional Requirement)In order to achieve the required spatial resolution of the Civil War maps (or other historicalmaps) to be scanned from microfiche in LOT 2, the contractor may have to capture tiles orsegments of the map images on the fiche and concatenate (stitch or join) these segments whenproducing the digital images to be delivered to the Library. See Section J, Attachment 6 (6.4.2)for specific requirements regarding concatenated images of the Civil War maps.Table of Contents for:Section C Entire RFP 59ce067264