Model Attestation Letter.30
The guide requires a financial statement audit and compliance audit of proprietary schools and an examination-level compliance attestation engagement of third-party servicers that are engaged by a school to administer certain functions of the SFA programs. Current Foreign School Audit Guide:
Within 90 days of receiving a payment, recipients must sign an attestation confirming receipt of the funds and agreeing to the Terms and Conditions of payment by re-entering the Provider Relief Fund Application and Attestation Portal. Should a recipient choose to reject the funds, they must still complete the attestation to indicate this and then return the funds within 15 calendar days.
If you are an active subscriber on the Base PPO Plan (70/30) or Enhanced PPO Plan (80/20), or a retiree on the Enhanced PPO Plan (80/20) (not applicable for retirees on the Base PPO Plan (70/30)), you can save $60 on your monthly premium by completing a tobacco attestation during Open Enrollment or your initial enrollment into the State Health Plan.
You will find the tobacco attestation opportunity during the online enrollment process, where you may attest to being a non-tobacco user, a tobacco user, or a tobacco user who would still like to earn the credit by completing a tobacco attestation counseling session. If you attest to being a tobacco user but agree to a counseling session, you must visit a Primary Care Provider for at least one cessation counseling session within 90 days of your enrollment. During Open Enrollment, dates may differ.
By collecting the letters of attestation from vendors, GSA will work to implement a memo signed by the White House in September that requires federal agencies to ensure that all third-party IT software deployed adheres to National Institute of Standards and Technology supply chain security requirements.
In its memo, GSA said: To comply with Executive Order 14028 and OMB Memorandum M-22-18, which require federal agencies to only use software that complies with Government-specified secure software development practices, GSA IT will update its processes to approve software including requiring vendor attestations.
Correction, 2/2/22: This article was updated to clarify that GSA will begin collecting letters of attestation only from software vendors it works with directly, not from those working with other federal agencies.
A "notarial act" means any act that a notary is authorized to perform and includes, without limitation, attestation, the taking of an acknowledgment, the administration of an oath or affirmation, the taking of a verification upon an oath or affirmation, and the certification of a copy.
"Attesting" and "attestation" are synonymous and mean the notarial act of witnessing or attesting a signature or execution of a deed or other written instrument, where such notarial act does not involve the taking of an acknowledgment, the administering of an oath or affirmation, the taking of a verification, or the certification of a copy.
In documenting a notarial act, a notary shall sign the notarial certification in ink exactly as the name appears on the notary commission and shall also record the exact date of the notarial act. However, in connection with attestation of deeds or other instruments pertaining to real property, the date of the notarial act shall not be required.
The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMS Innovation Center) is developing new payment and delivery models designed to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of specialty care. Among those specialty models was the Oncology Care Model, which aimed to provide higher quality, more highly coordinated oncology care at the same or lower cost to Medicare. Under the Oncology Care Model (OCM), physician practices entered into payment arrangements that included financial and performance accountability for episodes of care surrounding chemotherapy administration to cancer patients. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) also partnered with commercial payers in the model. The practices which participated in OCM committed to providing enhanced services to Medicare beneficiaries such as care coordination, navigation, and national treatment guidelines for care.
The goal of OCM was to utilize appropriately aligned financial incentives to enable improved care coordination, appropriateness of care, and access to care for beneficiaries undergoing chemotherapy. OCM encouraged participating practices to improve care and lower costs through an episode-based payment model that financially incentivized high-quality, coordinated care. The CMS Innovation Center expected that these improvements would result in better care, smarter spending, and healthier people. Practitioners in OCM were expected to rely on the most current medical evidence and shared decision-making with beneficiaries to inform their recommendation about whether a beneficiary should receive chemotherapy treatment. OCM provided an incentive to participating physician practices to comprehensively and appropriately address the complex care needs of the beneficiary population receiving chemotherapy treatment, and heighten the focus on furnishing services that specifically improve the patient experience or health outcomes.
To remain eligible as an EDWOSB or WOSB, program participants must submit an annual attestation to SBA each year, per 13 CFR Part 127.400. If you have received a letter from SBA about your annual attestation, and you are able to navigate to their dashboard, you will be able to go through the process of attestation, these are the steps: 2b1af7f3a8