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Two major mechanisms that could potentially be responsible for toughening in mineralized tissues, such as bone and dentin, have been identified-microcracking and crack bridging. While evidence has been reported for both mechanisms, there has been no consensus thus far on which mechanism plays the dominant role in toughening these materials. In the present study, we seek to present definitive experimental evidence supporting crack bridging, rather than microcracking, as the most significant mechanism of toughening in cortical bone and dentin. In vitro fracture toughness experiments were conducted to measure the variation of the fracture resistance with crack extension [resistance-curve (R-curve) behavior] for both materials with special attention paid to changes in the sample compliance. Because these two toughening mechanisms induce opposite effects on the sample compliance, such experiments allow for the definitive determination of the dominant toughening mechanism, which in the present study was found to be crack bridging for microstructurally large crack sizes. The results of this work are of relevance from the perspective of developing a micromechanistic framework for understanding fracture behavior of mineralized tissue and in predicting failure in vivo.
By employing a variational phase field model, we investigated the dynamic brittle fracture of poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) through computer simulation. Without the explicit fracture criterion, current simulations not only successfully reproduced the crucial experimental observations on crack propagation, such as crack patterns, velocity evolutions and limit crack velocity but also discovered some new features not reported in the experimental study yet. Through quantifying the energy flux into the crack tip and fracture energy, we observed that the crack bifurcation of PMMA always occurs with the energy flux into the crack tip exceeding a critical value and proposed that crack bifurcation obeys an energy criterion. Based on this criterion, the long-standing challenge of limit crack velocity in experiments is successfully predicted by continuum theory, which unveils that crack bifurcation sets the upper limit for crack velocity. Combining the crack bifurcation criterion and continuum theory provides a rational explanation for complex path selection of cracks.
Note that the selected phase field contour value of 0.75 is not unique (Borden et al. 2012; Chen et al. 2017). Several different values have been tested in our simulations, and the corresponding crack velocity profiles were basically consistent. The only discrepancy is that the calculated crack velocity profile has relatively small fluctuations using \\(\\phi = 0.75\\).
a Normalized crack propagation velocity profiles \\(V/V_{R}\\) under different loadings. b Evolutions of the normalized energy dissipation per unit area \\(\\Gamma /{\\hbox {G}}_{C}\\) at the crack tip with the crack length for different loadings
We use the same configuration as pre-strained PMMA to investigate the dynamic fracture in brittle soda-lime glass. The material parameters are \\(\\rho =1180 \\, {\\hbox {kg/m}}^{3}\\), \\(E=72 \\, \\hbox {GPa}\\), \\(v=0.22\\), \\(\\sigma _{c} =30\\sim 35 \\, \\hbox {MPa}\\), \\(l_{0} =0.08 \\, \\hbox {mm}\\) and \\(V_{R} =3110 \\, \\hbox {m/s}\\) (Ravi-Chandar 2004). The fracture energy \\(G_{C}\\) also obeys a Gaussian distribution with a mean of \\(3.8 \\, {\\hbox {J/m}}^{2}\\) and a standard deviation of 0.11 (Bobaru and Zhang 2015). Figure 13 represents the evolution of crack patterns from straight crack to multi-branched cracks with four increasing loadings (they are \\(\\Delta U=0.008 \\, \\hbox {mm}\\), \\(\\Delta U=0.009 \\, \\hbox {mm}\\), \\(\\Delta U=0.012 \\, \\hbox {mm}\\) and \\(\\Delta U=0.014 \\, \\hbox {mm}\\), respectively). The normalized crack propagation velocity \\(V/V_{R}\\) is derived by post-processing, as shown in Fig. 14a. It can be seen that the limit crack velocity of soda-lime glass is in the range of \\({0.57}\\sim {0.65} \\, V_{R}\\), which agrees well with experiments (Anthony et al. 1970; Bowden et al. 1967). Figure 14b presents the evolutions of the normalized energy dissipation per unit area \\(\\Gamma /G_{C}\\) for different loadings. Similar to PMMA, we also find the bifurcation events (marked by a star in Fig. 14b) of a single crack in glass always associate to \\(\\Gamma /G_{C} \\sim 2.5\\), which evinces that the energy criterion for crack branching is universal in brittle materials. Consequently, the limit crack velocity predicted by LEFM is about \\(0.6 \\, V_{R}\\) (Sharon and Fineberg 1999), very close to experimental measurements (Anthony et al. 1970; Bowden et al. 1967; Ravi-Chandar 2004).
It's no longer a surprise when we hear about brand-new game releases being cracked days after launch, but it's not often we hear about one fully cracked even before its release. Unfortunately for Square Enix, its latest epic adventure Final Fantasy XV on Windows has been cracked and released online ahead of its March 6 release.
I've just (accidentally) found that one of our colleagues in the lab (who is a graduate student) uses a cracked piece of software on his personal laptop (We were talking near his station and a pop up went up and warned about the fake license of the software).
You will have to make your own judgment as to whether you are obliged to report by any of the following: your own personal code of ethics, your institution's policies, your lab's internal policies, your PI's expectations, threat of lawsuit from the software vendor, your local law, or likely consequences from any of the above for failing to report. You could also consider whether to warn your colleague and give them a chance to remove the cracked software before reporting them. But all of that is beyond the scope of this site.
Are you sure it is cracked software A 'warning' popup could just be phishing malware and you might expect that a feature to detect piracy would just shut the application down rather than just issue a warning. Equally it could be a prompt to upgrade to a different version or just an expired demo version which is no longer usable.
As an aside we can also speculate that providers of software who want to make it the industry standard are fairly keen for students an academic researchers to use it and get to know it, which is why they provide free academic versions. We could even speculate further that this is why this is why they are not quite as rigorous as they perhaps could be in embedding anti-piracy features. while they can't be seen to give away the full version they may not care too much (an may not want to find out) if the odd junior researcher sneaks a cracked copy even though this is clearly wrong and not to be recommended.
I don't agree that this is \"none of your business\" case, since the computer is used in university lab, most probably connected to university network. So the university is affected by whatever risks cracked software may bear (viruses and such), and any piracy tracking will probably identify the offender as having university IP address. This may result in trouble for both your colleague and the university.
However, without solid proof you should not assume anything. Ask your colleague about the software. Chances are, they have a reasonable explanation for the error message you've seen: they may have a legit free trial version which expired, connection issues preventing license validation, missing license token etc. If they admit using cracked software, tell them it's against university policies (it almost certainly is), and give them a chance to fix the situation.
Escalating the issue right away and without warning will not win you any friends (not even your supervisor). Additionally, discovering cracked software on someone's personal laptop may lead to question about your own ethics. Depending on how you present the situation, you may be seen as either accusing someone without sufficient proof, or accessing someone's computer without permission.
I'm a graduate student in a North American university, where utilization of such cracked licenses for personal use is not only common among students, but also between faculty members! It is not something deserving, but it's a fact.
It is entirely possible that the software isa) demob) just expiredc) actually legally purchased and the warning is an errord) legally purchased, however the person cracks it to avoid a dongle, CD check or something else archaic and disruptive.e) something that they purchased from a non-reputable vendor and they didn't knowf) some other plausible deniability.
If yes, ask yourself why Would this fact affect you in a positive or in a negative way Answering this question will provide you with a hint on what to do next, if at all. Just for the sake of an example, if it is the case that using the cracked software might really become visible over the net such that the police might come and seize the equipment including the one you need for your research, then you should probably talk to the colleague and then to his/her boss. But things might be different if software cracking is a part of research activity; then your colleague publishes on that and gets grant proposals accepted; you should support that to the extent permitted by the law!
Assuming you care about this person and you want to help, I'd suggest to show him/her some free open-source alternatives. Show the benefits of reproducible research. Sometimes people use the cracked version not because they are evil, but because they are lazy and don't want to check out for the optimal tools, downloading the first program Google spoonfed them with. 153554b96e