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An Internet meme, commonly known simply as a meme (/miːm/, MEEM), is a cultural item (such as an idea, behaviour, or style) that is spread via the Internet, often through social media platforms. Inspired by the concept of memes proposed by Richard Dawkins in 1972, Internet memes can take various forms, such as images, videos, GIFs, and various other viral sensations. Characteristics of memes include their susceptibility to parody, their use of intertextuality, their propagation in a viral pattern, and their evolution over time.
Two central attributes of Internet memes are creative reproduction and intertextuality.[4] The former refers to the tendency of a popular meme to become subject to parody and imitation, which may occur by mimicry or remix. Mimicry refers to reproduction of a meme in a different setting to the original, for example imitation of the \"Charlie Bit My Finger\" viral video by various individuals. Remix uses the original material of the meme, but alters it in some way using technology-based manipulation (such as Photoshop).[4]
Intertextuality may be demonstrated through memes that combine different subjects or aspects of culture. For example, a meme may combine United States politician Mitt Romney's assertion of the phrase \"binders full of women\" from a 2012 US presidential debate with the Korean pop song \"Gangnam Style\" by overlaying the text \"my binders full of women exploded\" onto a frame from Psy's music video where paper blows around him. This gives new meaning to the scene from the music video and blends political and cultural aspects of two different nations.[4]
Internet memes may stay the same or evolve over time. They can \"mutate\" in their meaning but maintain their structure, or vice versa, such mutation occurring by chance or by deliberate means such as parody.[8] A study by Miltner explored the LOLcats meme and its evolution over time from an in-joke within computer and gaming communities on 4chan to a source of emotional support and humour for a broader audience. The shift of the meme to mainstream use caused it to become unfashionable among the original creators. Miltner explained \"as content passes through various communities, it is interpreted in new ways and takes on new connotations; these are usually specific to the needs and desires of that community, and quite often divorced from the original intent of the creator\".[5] Often, the modifications to a meme can turn it into a phenomenon that transgresses social and cultural boundaries.[9]
Social media platforms can increase the speed of dissemination of evidence-based health practices.[64] A study by Reynolds and Boyd found the majority of participants (who were healthcare staff) felt that memes could be an appropriate means of improving healthcare worker's knowledge of and compliance with infection prevention practices.[65] Internet memes were also used in Nigeria to raise awareness of the COVID-19 pandemic, with healthcare professionals using the medium to disseminate information on the virus and its vaccine.[66]
This game is about... Yes! A Boys school of Tales of series!Combination of all of Tales of Series!But Chapter 1 only consist of:Tales Of Xillia: Jude, Alvin,Tales Of The Abyss: Luke, Asch, Guy, Jade,Tales Of Vesperia: Yuri, Flynn, Raven,Tales Of Symphonia: Lloyd, Zelos, and Kratos.And you can choose 3 storyline here!Jude's path, Luke's path, and Yuri's path.Although the main story is on Jude's, but Luke and Yuri have other story too.And the Chapter 1 have no M-rated scene yet TvT.Tales Of Series are owned by Namco Bandai.
The story follows Virgil Birmire straight after the events of Episode I. His brother has just woken from his coma, but Virgil has already signed the contract with Mr. Smiles to put him out of his misery. Will he be able to save Victor before Mr. Smiles carries out the assassination Will Virgil ever forgive Dominique for signing him up in the first place And will AnimeFan21 ever adapt to his real life friends The clock is ticking as the curtain for episode II opens...
A parody of the demo included in the current build of ren'py. Short, nicely drawn, and extremely offensive. Not for those with tender sensibilities.Version 2 has improved graphics and updated content over it's predecessor.
The Last Yandere is a mystery visual novel/ otome game with an end of the world apocalypse threat. You play the role of a cancer survivor slowly easing his way back into normal slice of life activities. One day, you befriend an overly zealous and bubbly cake shop owner named Kara Gentner. Soon you realize Kara isn't your typical girl. You think Kara might be a Yandere (ヤンデレ), a common Japanese term that is a combination of two words: yanderu (病んでる), meaning mentally unstable and deranged, and deredere (でれでれ), meaning to show genuinely strong romantic affection.Is your new friend a lovesick Yandere Download this visual novel game to find out!Warning: This game gets crazy and intense at around Chapter 3.
This visual novel started as a test of Ren'Py 6.11.2. You may notice some of the Ren'Py tutorial in the very beginning.This visual novel was initially called \"firstproject\", but was later renamed \"Searching for Mio\", then later to its current title, \"The Petty Parody\". Its current name was inspired by alliterations used by the Lemony Snicket books, who my friend loves greatly. The name \"Mio\" was inspired by Akiyama Mio from the popular anime series K-On!.Throughout its short development (a few weeks or months with short intervals of time spent haphazardly), The Petty Parody had no real direction. I just went with what seemed to fit, while still making the game somewhat amusing. A key source of inspiration for much of the game's dialogue comes from \"The Fucking Question\", a parody of the Ren'Py game \"The Question\".This game, until very recently, was complete crap. I asked a friend of mine, who had beta-tested before, and he suggested that I add more meta-jokes. I began to add some more meta-humor, and eventually ended up rewriting a large part of the game. The game is now in a completely different state than it was before his suggestion, so I thank HuckleberryPie greatly for his suggestion.Thanks for playing The Petty Parody!If you have questions or comments about this visual novel, please feel free to contact me on Twitter @zombieramen.
A short kinetic novel set several hundred years into the future after war and disease have ravaged humanity and various nations are just beginning to reclaim their former power. The nobility has grouped themselves into elite mercenary groups selling specialized services to the highest bidders. The Silent Wolf is the story of Sebastian Tell, a member of the Tell family of mercenaries descended from the Swiss Guard.
Ie and Thu got the water with the help from Sri, they both landed on earth where water is found everywhere and water for them is much greater than money. Sri told to see Noui the elf like human who knew everything but Noui was busy to help Thu and Ie so they told them where to find water. Unfortunately the directions they were given were confusing to them, they were following other peoples directions which leads them to the ocean that was filled with salt water. Not knowing the water contain salt they try heading home but were never told how, Sri send them back home after 24 hours but they were behind the deadline and were force to give the salt water to the ruler of the 2th dimension. Rock was not happy about the salt water but wonder where the new found water came from, salt is not an element on the 2th dimension. Thu and Ie told the story of how the black hole drag them into Sri world (dimension 4) then again into our world (dimension 3). Rock let them go and order all of her armies to get ready for dimensional war.Ie didn't want Sri and our world to be invaded so try to go back into the same black hole, however it was heavy guard with Rocks army. He had to go back, then he was sent into a wormhole which leads into our world. Crash into a robot that had Noui, over a few minutes later Dark with his followers were sent somewhere in the galaxy. It didn't take long to sent Ie back to his home but was accidently sent into Sri world and got the message to Sri, she then close the black hole to stop Rock's army. Finally Sri sent Thu and Ie into the 6th dimension, which Rock is at war with and had a temporary ceasefire. The President, Zoion, heard Ie and Thu story about how there is a world filled with water. Zoion sent his daughter Zixen to have that dimension ally with this one. Back to Rock's world, he used an experimental engine to travel into our world.Dark Unknown has return from his long journey in space and got a new follow to help with his world domination plan. He got knocked out by Rock mothership which made him land close to Lena house. Sri felt Rock's travel but also felt Zixen travel at the same time. Both enemies have yet to make contact so Sri has time to get every Unknown (Thu and Ie included) and stop the war. One setback is that the usa army thinks it's an invasion from our galaxy, they call on help from ally planets (Seki planet too) which made things a whole lot worse.
Novella tells the story of an ordinary guy from a normal ordinary country town. Quite right mind, he indulges in various substances that cause hallucinations. In this world, only two live person and you will know who it is.
Follow the journey of Tito dan Fahrul as they visit various location on Paseban village.Features:1] Blink and Lip Flap animation2] 7,953 words (about 30 minutes reading)3] Combination of ADV and NVL mode4] Keyboard shortcut, press F1 (Help) to view all shortcuts available5] Dynamic map and journal, will be updated each time you visit a new location.This VN is one of the KKN PPM 2013 JTG 12 projects
A rash of recent suicides and the only clue are these mysterious death organs. A man with no purpose to his life tries and prevents these people from killing themselves. He teams up with another hostel resident who has her own weird gift, but first he must undergo a strange procedure called trepanation.Some doctors believe that trepanation can increase your brain power and improve academic and career performance, as well as give heightened consciousness. But unconscious starts to take over, giving a strange kind of clarity of the world beneath what we interpret with our eyes.This visual novel is a demo to what is aimed to be a full novel. 59ce067264