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Cheng, Y., Wu, Z., Chen, Q. and Wu, Q., 2020. Decoupled Distributed Energy Storage with Supply Constraints as Renewable-based Smart Grids. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 31 (4), 687-700.
Cheng, Y., Wu, Z. and Chen, Q., 2020. Emergent Transportation Network with Multi-stage and Multi-mode Flights in Smart Cities. International Journal of Green Computing Environment and Sustainable Engineering, 5 (8), 3477-3500.
Heun, K., Zou, X., Rao, R., Peng, H., and Majheer, M., 2017. Cyber Physical Systems for Cultivation of Controlled Environment under Aerial Unmanned Vehicles. International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Volume 9, Issue 3, pp. 19-21.
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