We Are Scientists - Less From You (Visualizer)
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One result of this rapid change is that the vast majority of my guests tell us that the key skills for data scientists are not the abilities to build and use deep-learning infrastructures. Instead they are the abilities to learn on the fly and to communicate well in order to answer business questions, explaining complex results to nontechnical stakeholders. Aspiring data scientists, then, should focus less on techniques than on questions. New techniques come and go, but critical thinking and quantitative, domain-specific skills will remain in demand.
The nature of our forecasting tournaments allowed social scientists to self-select any of the 12 forecasting domains, inspect three years of historical trends for each domain and update their predictions on the basis of feedback on their initial performance in the first tournament. These features emulated typical forecasting platforms (for example, metaculus.com). We argue that this approach enhances our ability to draw externally valid and generalizable inferences from a forecasting tournament. However, this approach also resulted in a complex, unbalanced design. Scholars interested in isolating psychological mechanisms that foster superior forecasts may benefit from a simpler design whereby all forecasting teams make forecasts for all requested domains.
Why were forecasts of societal change largely inaccurate, even though the participants had data-based resources and ample time to deliberate? One possibility concerns self-selection. Perhaps the participants in the Forecasting Collaborative were unusually bad at forecasting compared with social scientists as a whole. This possibility seems unlikely. We made efforts to recruit highly successful social scientists at different career stages and from different subdisciplines (Supplementary Information). Indeed, many of our forecasters are well-established scholars. We thus do not expect members of the Forecasting Collaborative to be worse at forecasting than other members of the social science community. Nevertheless, only a random sample of social scientists (albeit impractical) would have fully addressed the self-selection concern.
Fourth, social scientists tend to theorize about individuals and groups and conduct research at those scales. However, findings from such work may not scale up when predicting phenomena on the scale of entire societies39. Like other dynamical systems in economics, physics or biology, societal-level processes may also be genuinely stochastic rather than deterministic. If so, stochastic models will be hard to outperform.
As outlined in the recruitment materials, we considered data-driven (for example, model-based) or expertise-based (for example, general intuition or theory-based) forecasts from any field. As part of the survey, the participants selected which method(s) they used to generate their forecasts. Next, they elaborated on how they generated their forecasts in an open-ended question. There were no restrictions, though all teams were encouraged to report their education as well as areas of knowledge or expertise. The participants were recruited via large-scale advertising on social media; mailing lists in the behavioural and social sciences, the decision sciences, and data science; advertisement on academic social networks including ResearchGate; and word of mouth. To ensure broad representation across the academic spectrum of relevant disciplines, we targeted groups of scientists working on computational modelling, social psychology, judgement and decision-making, and data science to join the Forecasting Collaborative.
We next categorized the teams on the basis of compositions. First, we counted the number of members per team. We also sorted the teams on the basis of disciplinary orientation, comparing behavioural and social scientists with teams from computer and data science. Finally, we used information that the teams provided concerning their objective and subjective expertise levels for a given subject domain.
Other changes occurred well away from the equator; scientists refer to these as teleconnections. For instance, RapidScat detected a strong clockwise-rotating (anti-cyclonic) wind anomaly in the northeastern Pacific that may have been the result of stronger-than-normal atmospheric circulation (Hadley cell). That is, air that rose above the super-heated waters of the central tropical Pacific sank back to the surface at higher latitudes with more than usual intensity.
El Niño is the largest natural disruption to the Earth system, with direct impacts across most of the Pacific Ocean. Indirect impacts reverberate around the globe in patterns that scientists refer to as "teleconnections." Scientists are actively trying to understand how these changes in weather patterns in one area can alter the movement of air masses and winds in areas adjacent to and even far away from the source. According to the International Research Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia University, El Niño-Southern Oscillation is responsible for as much as 50 percent of year-to-year climate variability in some regions of the world.
In the equatorial Pacific, as the warm pool propagates eastward, clouds and rainfall move with it and leave the Western Pacific in dry conditions that often lead to drought across Indonesia, southeast Asia, and northern Australia. The problems of drought are compounded by slash-and-burn land clearing. For example, in Indonesia it is common for farmers to clear-cut forests for lumber and to burn rainforest to develop the land. Normally, these fires are extinguished by the consistent rains that fall in the tropics. But when the rain dries up during a strong El Niño, those fires burn uncontrolled. Massive El Niño-fueled fires were blamed for thousands of premature deaths from air pollution in 1997-98 and contributed to as many as 100,000 deaths in 2015-16, according to a recent study by Harvard University scientists.
Wildfires also release extra carbon dioxide into the air. Vegetation that is stressed from heat and drought cannot absorb as much atmospheric carbon as it normally takes up during photosynthesis. Because of this, atmospheric CO2 (as measured at the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii) has less of a seasonal decline during the Northern Hemisphere growing season. Thus, the rise in atmospheric CO2 is more pronounced during El Niño years.
Scientists. Scientific visualization, sometimes referred to in shorthand as SciVis, allows scientists and researchers to gain greater insight from their experimental data than ever before.
About 8,200 openings for chemists and materials scientists are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire.
The wage at which half of the workers in the occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. Median wage data are from the BLS Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics survey. In May 2021, the median annual wage for all workers was $45,760.
For all their destructive fury, tornadoes are relatively small when compared to some other extreme weather events. Hurricanes, for example, can span hundreds of miles, whereas the biggest tornado ever recorded measured 4.2 kilometers (2.6 miles) wide. They are also very short lived, lasting from a few seconds to a few hours as opposed to days or weeks at a time. This makes them very difficult to model in the climate simulations that scientists use to project the effects of climate change.
Data scientists analyze information. They take a multidisciplinary perspective, drawing from areas such as programming, machine learning, statistics, software engineering, human behaviour analysis, linear algebra, experimental science and data intuition. Data scientists solve problems and find new insights into how an objective can be achieved.
Data scientists are employed across many industries, including large companies and government agencies. There is huge demand for these professionals. So you should find the job search process less challenging than in many other careers, especially if you are even more highly skilled than your competitors.
Software engineers differ from data scientists in that their territory centers much more on end-user functionality, as well as application development and feature creation. Their focus is designing and developing software systems. Software engineers are also instrumental in the maintenance of these systems.
An updated analysis from BLS, accounting for labor market shifts stemming from the coronavirus pandemic, points to strong gains in jobs related to research and development in STEM (including physical, engineering, life sciences and health-related job clusters). Jobs in specific occupations, such as epidemiologist, medical scientists, biochemists and biophysicists, and biological technicians are expected to see strong growth.
Scientists can fit the pieces of information from many different types of natural recorders together to get an overall sense of the global climate. Typically, records that have large timespans have less detail about short-term climate changes, while shorter records are often more detailed. To combine them, scientists must use records with similar levels of temporal detail or account for these disparities to accurately paint a picture of ancient climates. 59ce067264